About Axis Environmental Solutions Established 2013

We are a company striving to ensure that you obtain accurate measurements and data to understand your exposure levels. Our services consist of Electromagnetic Field Assessments from low frequency to high frequency wireless communication and power quality for residential homes, condos, apartments, pre-purchase homes, vacant lots and commercial building. We also offer RF FCC compliance assessments for roof tops and ground level antennas sites and compliance testing for manufacturing, power industry and R&D . The current U.S maximum permissible exposure (MPE) guidelines are based upon short-term thermal effects (heating of tissue). Currently there is no government guidelines for long-term exposure at the lower levels. Axis Environmental Solutions will help you understand what you are being exposed to by taking unbiased accurate factual measurements using various measuring/testing instruments. We will also help you identify sources of pollution and how to mitigate them to reduce your exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). We are a company of integrity and very compassionate on how the environment conditions effect your health and well-being. The important question everyone should be asking is” what am I being exposed to? The reason for this question is, most people have no idea what they are being exposed to. As many pollutants we assess are invisible, it can be difficult to assess and mitigate these fields on your own. The Business is registered in Palm Beach County Florida and also with the Florida Department of State.